The Dolled Up Tag

Hello everyone! As you probably guessed by the title, today is a tag post. But not just any tag…this is the first-ever tag that I’ve started myself!

*cue the confetti*

Well, let’s get into the tag!


  1. Thank whoever tagged you.
  2. Link back to the creator (me 😁)
  3. Use the featured image in your post (above)
  4. Tag 1-4 people when you finish the tag.


The idea of this tag is that you’ll choose a random doll (or other toy) from your collection, then choose a random aesthetic, and dress your doll in that aesthetic!

The first step is to go to a random wheel. I use this one.

Secondly, type in all of your doll’s names and spin to see which one you’ll be dressing!

My doll that I’m dressing will be Izzy!

Then you’ll type in this list of aesthetics and spin:








…and I’ll be dressing Izzy in a formal outfit!

The final step is to, of course, dress your doll and take a picture!

For her dress, I used these sort of bandanna things that Reesa and I have, and I added a shawl cut out of a furry fabric (Reesa made that for me 🙂).

Her shoes are from an old Truly Me meet outfit…they’re not exactly formal, but they’re what I have.

I also styled her hair in two French braids going into a ponytail, because I think it looks pretty fancy!

I hereby tag:

Reesa (The DollVille Blog)

E (JustDolling)

Brooklyn Harms (Jessica and Lea)

Here’s the directions again:

  1. Go to
  2. Type in your dolls’ / toys’ names and spin to see who you’ll dress
  3. Type in the aesthetics list (cottagecore, preppy, girly-girl, tomboy, retro, formal, minimalist) and spin to see which one you’ll use
  4. Dress your doll / toy according to the aesthetic and take a picture!

I hope you all enjoyed that tag, and I can’t wait to see all of your pictures!

Thank you so much for reading!

11 thoughts on “The Dolled Up Tag

  1. This is such a cool idea! I almost wish I’d thought of it myself…I had a similar idea with the randomizing once, but it wasn’t a tag or anything quite like this. I can’t wait to see others completing this tag! Maybe I’ll get a chance to do it with the bears at some point 😉

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